Lets Talk: the mermaid's voice returns in this one

Book: the mermaid's voice returns in this one
Author: amanda lovelace
Published: May 5th, 2019
My rating 4/5 Stars

Okay so let me start off by saying that I have never been a huge poetry lover and it has always been difficult for me to get into things written outside of standard prose. This being said, I fall hard for the traps of things that are overly hyped up and when the princess saves herself in this one first came out I was hearing about it everywhere, so of course I had to buy it.

Let me tell you I fell in love. I think I want to write a post eventually about my love for this collection and what I have done with my books, but I'll save that for another day, today I want to specifically talk about the mermaid's voice returns in this one.

This book legit had me hooked from page 9 and crying by page 22.

Amanda Lovelace is able to tackle such giant issues with such grace, but doesn't make light of any of the issues.

I like poetry I can understand and that makes me feel something, and I feel as though this collection, as well as the two before it fit that balance so very well.

This one was a little harder for me to connect with than the first two book just because of my own personal experiences, but it was still so powerful. I loved how she included poetry from other poets as well at this point in time.

Ultimatley I can see why her style isn't for everyone but it is 100% for me and I am excited to see what Amanda writes next!

What about you, did you read this one? If not what other poetry books are you loving right now?

xox- Rina


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