Top Ten Tuesday: Spring 2019 TBR

Well here we are with another Top Ten Tuesday! As always its hosted by Jana  over at That Artsy Reader Girl, so you can head over and check out some other lists!
This week I actually have ten books! TBR lists are always the easiest for me to make because there are so many books I want to read. That being said, I am a total mood reader, so check back for my summer TBR to see how many of these reappear!

1. Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid- Okay, so I fell hard onto the Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo hype train last year  and since then I have been slowly working my way through everything else she has ever written. That being said, there is no surprise that I am super hype for this book, I don't really know a lot about it, but I kinda like it that way!

2. My Plain Jane by The Lady Janies- Okay, so I have been wanting to read this forever! I love My Lady Jane and have been putting this one off because I haven't read Jane Eyre yet and I am determine to finish it before starting My
Plain Jane. Well, I am currently about 200 pages into Jane Eyre so you better believe I am getting to this one soon!

3. Rayne and Deliah's Midnite Matinee by Jeff Zetner- Okay, so I have adored both the Serpent King and Goodbye Days by Jeff Zetner and I am so excited for this one. Again, I don't really know much of what it is about, but knowing how much I've loved Zener's first two novels I will willing dive into this one....and probably cry my eyes out.

4. Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare- So I am behind on Cassie's
books for the first time in pretty much ever seeing as I have been reading these books since before City of Ashes came out. But I started doing a reread last year, and I am currently finishing up City of Heavenly Fire, and I can't decide if I want to jump into this after or If I want to reread The Infernal Devices and the Lady Midnight and Lord of Shadows First.

5. Again, but Better by Christine Riccio-  I am a big fan of BookTube, and Christine in general, but thats not the only reason that I have this book on this list. I love YA Contemporary, and we are so much in need of more set in University! I am excited to get my hand on this one for sure!

6. Furyborn by Claire Legrand -I have heard so many things about this book, and Ill be honest Im not
usually a chunky fantasy reader, but this one intrigued me quite a bit! I've been in a huge contemporary kick lately, so we shall see if I actually am in the mood to pick this one up. Its on my shelf for when the mood does strike me!

7. When you Read This By Mary Adkins- This was on one of Jamie from The Perpetual Page Turner's most anticipated lists and when I read the synopsis I knew I too wanted to pick it up. I am going to do a horrible job of explaining it, so I am just going to link the Goodreads page. Basically this just sounds like something I am going to devour....and probably cry over.

8. Renegades by Marissa Meyer- This is another one I have had sitting on my
shelf since release day and just haven't picked up yet! It may be due to the intimidating size, or just because I haven't been in the mood for a... sci-fi (thats what this is right?) book lately. Well this spring is all about trying to clean off my shelves and cut down my physical TBR shelves so Im hoping to get around to this one

9. City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert- a Book set in 1940's New York and based around theatre? Sign me up! Also, I believe its told through flash backs which is another thing I love. I've heard some good things about this author as well, but think that it might be better to start of with a new book of her's rather than her more popular ones!

10. The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken- the last part of my 'been sitting
on my shelf for ages' books. Like everyone else I went through the big dystopian kick several years ago, but I haven't looked to that genre in ages. With the movie recently out I really want to give this one a try as I am one of those people who will not see the movie without reading the book (Okay, sometimes I do.... but its been like twice)

As I said, who know's how many of these I will actually get to over the next few months, but hopefully a few!

xox- Rina


  1. Again, But Better has been on so many lists this week. I'm getting quite curious about it.

    My Top Ten Tuesday post.

    1. I am excited to see what its like! I will admit Im nervous about the hype, but im going to try it out!

  2. I love your list! I am going to try and read Renegades this spring as well. Again but Better is so so many lists this week, I am getting so curious about it. Here is my post for this week.

    1. Ive seen it on a few people's as well! Im not sure if Ill get to it right away, but I am excited for it!

  3. The Darkest Minds is actually a pretty good book! I can't believe Cassandra Clare is still putting out books, that's really impressive.

    My Top Ten

    1. Honestly I mostly read Cassandra Clare for the nostalgia at this point! But I am excited for her new series thought!

  4. So many good books on this list! I am currently also reading The Darkest Minds series after the release of the film last year, and was so surprised by how much I enjoyed the first book. I am also desperate to read Rayne & Delilah's Midnite Matinee and Again, But Better as they both sound exactly like my sort of contemporaries.
    Hope you enjoy all of these books :)
    My TTT

    1. Ive been going through a contemporary binge lately, so ill probably read them soon!

  5. DAISY has been all OVER the place lately! Makes me wonder if it lives up to the hype or not. I think I'll wait until the hype dies down a little to find out :)

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


    1. Im actually reading it now! I am loving it so far, but I totally understand how the hype can hurt an opinion.


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